
  • Capital: Hanoi

  • N° of bags produced on average in a year: 30.900.000 (60Kg bags)

  • Worldwide production rank: #2

  • Main botanical varieties: Lam Dong province , Son La, Dien

  • Production regions: West province , South province , East province , North province


Approximately 95% of the coffee produced in Vietnam is of the Robusta botanical species. Due to an increase in demand for specialty coffee, together with a drop in prices for Robusta, many producers have begun differentiating their product.

Further, an increased focus on the quality of harvesting, processing and drying practices has also taken place. An example of this is the increased use of yeasts and bacteria for lactic and anaerobic fermentations during processing.

Specialty production in Vietnam is growing rapidly to keep up with demand.

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