Privacy/Cookie Policy

Privacy/Cookie Policy

This website is operated by Ecom Italia Srl, a subsidiary of ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Limited. Please read this cookie policy carefully and by accessing this website you agree to be bound by this policy. If you do not agree to be bound by this policy you should not access or view this website. This policy is accessible from every page of this website.

Any enquiries or complaints you may have in relation to this website should be made either by using the ‘Contact’ facility or by addressing them to Legal Department, ECOM Agrotrade Limited, 55 Old Broad Street, London, EC2M 1RX, U.K.

‘Cookies’ are small data files sent from a website to your browser. These technologies help us better understand user behaviour and tell us which parts of our website people have visited. References in these conditions of use to ‘cookies’ also include other means of automatically accessing or storing information on your device. You have the option to block all cookies. Please note, however, that if you refuse or block cookies you may not be able to use all of the functionality of our website.

You can access our cookie policy from each page of our website. If you continue to use this website, further cookies may be placed on your device as described in the table below. By continuing to use this website after we present that notice to you, you are agreeing to the use of any such cookies.

When any person visits our website, we use a third party service, Google Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. Esperanto does this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site. This information is only processed and used in a way which does not identify a specific person or their identity. We do not make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website. You can opt-out from being tracked by Google Analytics in the future by downloading and installing ‘Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on’ for your current web browser: In addition, you can click the following link in order to find out more information about your options with respect to Google Analytics and other Google services:

We may use web beacons, which are often transparent image files (usually no larger than 1 pixel) that are placed on our web pages and are used to monitor your behaviour.

Otherwise than as set out, we do not ourselves use cookies on this website. However, some of the tools and content in our website are delivered by (and in some cases also hosted by) third party content providers. When you access this content, these third party providers may set cookies on your computer or mobile device.

If you would like to opt out of third-party cookies relating to interest based advertising, please go to,, or Note that opting out does not mean you will no longer receive online advertising. It does mean that the company or companies from which you opted out will no longer deliver ads tailored to your web preferences and usage patterns. Opting out of cookies and data collection from one browser, device or app will not necessarily opt you out of collection from all browsers, devices or apps.

We set, or allow third parties to set, the following cookies:




Google Analytics Cookies (non-necessary)


2 years

CRM Cookies (necessary)



when the session expires

Cookie setting cookies (necessary)


1 month

Company information

Ecom Italia Srl

Group registration P.Iva number: 02417580996

Via Roma 2/10, 16121 Genova

Phone: 010 0897590

Please send all correspondence in relation to this website including legal notices to the Legal Department, 55 Old Broad Street, London, EC2M 1RX, United Kingdom.

Stay tuned!

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