
  • Capital: Kampala

  • N° of bags produced on average in a year: 5.000.000 (60Kg bags)

  • Worldwide production rank: #7

  • Main botanical varieties: Kent, SL 14 , SL28

  • Production regions: Bugisu , West Nile, West Uganda


Unlike Ethiopia which is the original land of the Arabian botanical species, the territories of present-day Uganda are home to the botanical species canephora (Robusta). Arabica began to take on greater importance after the arrival of European settlers who, realizing the extreme fertility of the soil, began to create the first plantations in 1914.

Nowadays, the main quality of natural Arabica exported from the country is Drugar but at the same time more and more attention is paid to the production of specialty batches. In fact, the estimates and production targets for the country by 2030 are very positive with an estimated growth of around 20-25%.

The growth in the production of specialty batches goes hand in hand with that of cooperatives. In fact, the latter are necessary to centralize coffee processing in larger facilities and where production and processing techniques are much more sophisticated than those of small landowners.

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