
  • Capital: Panama City

  • N° of bags produced on average in a year: 105.000 (60Kg bags)

  • Worldwide production rank: #35

  • Main botanical varieties: Geisha , Typica, Bourbon, Caturra , Catuai

  • Production regions: Boquete , Volcan, Renacimiento


Although Panama is only the 35th producer of coffee by export volume, it is at the same time the most advanced from an agricultural and qualitative point of view. Famous for the Geisha botanical variety, it is also becoming a reference point in the market for coffee related tourism.

The plantations were historically located in coastal areas, though many producers have moved inland due to increasing temperatures.

Most modern producers are passionate agronomists who are fascinated by coffee as a subject and on which to experiment. For this reason, it is increasingly common to come across innovative and cutting-edge processing methods such as carbonic maceration and fermentation with the use of enzymes and selected bacteria.

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