
  • Capital: Managua

  • N° of bags produced on average in a year: 2.650.000 (60Kg bags)

  • Worldwide production rank: #12

  • Main botanical varieties: Caturra, Borbon, Maracaturra, Pacamara, Catuai

  • Production regions: Matagalpa , Jinotega, Las Segovias


The history of coffee in Nicaragua began in the mid-1800s, when the first colonists brought it to the country. The presence of numerous volcanoes and large lakes makes for exceptionally fertile soil, and the potential exists for the cultivation of many specialty products.

The methods for processing the beans have become increasingly sophisticated and take into account a market demand for coffee with a good level of acidity and fruity notes, though balanced and elegant- exactly what many Nicaraguan varieties offer.

There was a time when cooperative producers were forced to export their batches mixed with others to boost volume. Those days are gone, allowing for better traceability of both plantation and botanical variety.

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