
  • Capital: Mexico City

  • N° of bags produced on average in a year: 4.080.000 (60Kg bags)

  • Worldwide production rank: #9

  • Main botanical varieties: Borbon, Typica, Marsellesa, Caturra, Catuai, Maragogype, Obata

  • Production regions: Chiapas, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Puebla


The history of coffee in Mexico dates back to the 1700s, when it was introduced by the Spanish colonists. Mexico has long been famous for its certified coffee. The production of specialty coffee was secondary, as producers saw certified coffee as a more established and lucrative product.

Specialty coffee production continues to be limited due to a lack of awareness and know-how of the producers. They often fail to have the necessary tools and post-harvest experience to produce specialty batches with complex organoleptic characteristics.

In 2012 the Cup Of Excellence first hosted an auction in the country, bringing not only great international attention to Mexico as a producer, but also greater internal awareness among stakeholders and cooperatives.

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