
  • Capital: Tegucigalpa

  • N° of bags produced on average in a year: 6.650.000 (60Kg bags)

  • Worldwide production rank: #6

  • Main botanical varieties: Caturra, Catuai, Typica, IHCAFE-90, Lempira

  • Production regions: Copan, Opalaca, Montecillos, Comayagua, El Paraiso, Agalta


Honduras has the highest production per capita worldwide. It is frequently ranked in the top 5 countries with the highest production volume despite its relatively small territorial size,

While historically the production of coffee was primarily focused on volume to be traded in the commodities market, today, thanks to young and innovative local entrepreneurs, Honduras has become globally recognized for quality.

The Honduran Del Café Institute has contributed to improving quality and traceability by creating numerous farmer-friendly tools. Further, their avocation has pushed for organic production practices and development of botanical varieties resistant to the Coffee Leaf Rust plague.

A focus on quality has led to remarkable results: in 2017 a lot at the Cup of Excellence international coffee competition was sold for a CoE auction record of $56.50 / Kg.

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