
  • Capital: Adiss Ababa

  • N° of bags produced on average in a year: 6.740.000 (60Kg bags)

  • Worldwide production rank: #5

  • Main botanical varieties: JARC varieties e Local landraces

  • Production regions: Djimma , Limo , Sidama , Yirgacheffe , Kochere


It is perhaps well known that Ethiopia is the country of origin of Arabica. Thanks to the specific characteristics of the soil, the lots produced by this country generate cups with very high quality characteristics. The excellent quality in recent years has also been accompanied by better traceability.

Since 2017, farmers have been able to export their batches autonomously and without going through the Ethiopia Coffee Exchange. Thanks to this agreement, producers now have the possibility to choose a specific exporter with whom to work with directly, handing over the responsibility of dealing with logistics, storage and export procedures.

This system not only increases traceability but also puts power back in the hands of producers, allowing them to dictate price and under what conditions.

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