El Salvador

  • Capital: San Salvador

  • N° of bags produced on average in a year: 650.000 (60Kg bags)

  • Worldwide production rank: #20

  • Main botanical varieties: Bourbon, Pacas Pacamara, Caturra

  • Production regions: Apaneca , Central Belt , Chichontepec , Cacahuatique


El Salvador has a long history as a coffee producer. Unlike other countries, where specific production methods generally require new investments and training, El Salvador already has a large skilled workforce. Agricultural traditions are well established, and the new generation of farmers is deeply committed to improving production through experimental and innovative processing methods.

Due to its climate and geographical position, El Salvador has excellent conditions for coffee cultivation. A somewhat predictable and prolonged dry season generally occurs during the harvest season, allowing beans to be dried in the sun.

Furthermore, the sector is naturally oriented towards the protection of the environment and biodiversity. For example, over 90% of coffee production takes place in the shade, allowing drupes to slowly ripen, while limiting demand on natural aquifers and subsequent soil erosion.

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