Innovating the specialty coffee market

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Who we are

Earth, mother
of our

Esperanto is the first Italian merchant focused exclusively on specialty coffee. Our objective: to shorten the distance between production and roasting by facilitating direct, lasting and sustainable partnerships throughout the supply chain. Our mission: to become the main reference for roasters in Italy.

Who we are
30+ +
Number of partner farms
20+ +
Number of micro lots
135+ +
MT in 2023
20+ +
Source countries

Market innovation

We offer tailor made services from a wide choice of specialty lots, both from countries of origin and specific areas around Europe.
Traceability and Transparency

We create direct networks between producers and roasters. We choose transparent, traceable, efficient and sustainable procurement and distribution methods.

Direct trade

We foster commercial agreements between stakeholders. Our role is to ensure logistics and exchanges that are virtuous and sustainable for everyone involved.

Environmental sustainability

We promote eco-friendly policies. Abstention from monoculture reduces the use of chemical substances, which are detrimental to the environment and to the species that inhabit it.


We facilitate relationships between individuals and cultures first and foremost. Being part of our community means adhering to a real business philosophy.

Social sustainability

We invest a portion of our revenue in projects that have a positive impact on local communities. Our work is an opportunity to improve the living and working conditions of every person in the supply chain.

Quality check

Quality control begins at the source. We work directly with our producers to ensure adherence to clear control parameters. Our objective is partner empowerment, giving them the means to maintain our quality standard and work independently in the long term.


Our coffee from around the world

We select only the best coffee beans, whose geographic, territorial and microclimatic origins produce unique aromatic and gustatory profiles.


  • Panama
  • Indonesia
  • Mexico
  • Ethiopia
  • Honduras
  • Papua Nuova Guinea
  • Nicaragua
  • Vietnam
  • Uganda
  • Tanzania
  • Rwanda
  • Kenya
  • India
  • Guatemala
  • El Salvador
  • Costa Rica
  • Colombia
  • Perù
  • Brazil

Contact us

We are not coffee producers, but cultivators of partnerships that involve its production. Fill out the form to become part of our community: we’ll send you a weekly updated price list and other news.


Piazza Raffaele de Ferrari, 2/7-8 16121 Genova GE

Contact Us

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